Do roller shutter doors keep the cold out

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Do Roller Shutter Doors Keep the Cold out?

Absolutely they can and an insulated roller door is built specifically to keep the cold out and warm air in to stabilise atmospheres inside larger commercial and industrial buildings. With energy costs constantly rising, having an energy efficient building is more important than ever before and the right insulated roller shutter door can make a huge difference.
A traditional method of keeping the inside of a factory, warehouse or any building warm when the door needs to open and close all day long was by adding a secondary high speed fabric curtain roller door, either in front of or behind the existing door. This is OK, but now you have 2 doors to maintain. The steel, or aluminium main door is the security and the fabric door is to keep cooler air out, or in, providing the air flow barrier and nothing else. However, nowadays with advances in materials and technology it is often better to have one door, with insulated steel or aluminium slats and a high speed electric motor drive. This solution is growing in popularity every year. One door, fast opening and closing speeds, and on higher specification models there are also non contact models, for maximum longevity and the smoothest of operation. These doors also offer great levels of security generally because of their robust build and design.
So many roller shutter doors are described as ‘insulated’ simply because they use a double skinned, foam filled slat for the curtain. Unless the door has other features and seals it is unlikely the U value is going to be that good. It will help for sure having a double skinned curtain and make the overall door far stronger but if you need specific performance you will have to look at the tested U values of the doors you are considering.